Set up your Competitive Programming environment like a PRO 😎

Set up your Competitive Programming environment on Sublime Text like a Pro, so just follow the steps:

3 min readJun 8, 2021
Code like Pro

But What is the need for this setup?🤔

Time is the key factor in Competitive programming. Even seconds matter in Competitive Programming. Having a good setup can save your time and don’t have to do repetitive work repeatedly. Plus it gives you a feel of a Top Coder : )

Language to use

Now is the time to choose a language to use. Most of people use C++ as their primary coding language. This is mainly because of its speed, clarity, and widespread support. So you should use C++ if you’re new to coding, but if you don’t know C++ but some other language, try focusing on that language only. Most of the CP Online judges will do things like variable time limits and all for other languages. ie. if your language is 2x slower than C++ then you would get a 2x time limit too as compared to a C++ program.


Now if you are using C++ as your primary coding language you have to install a gcc compiler (Linux users can skip this step as most of the Linux Distros come with a compiler :)), If you are unsure if you have a gcc compiler or not; open shell(ie cmd) and execute following code. If you get a answer then you are ready to go. If not(ie system do not understands the command) you have to install a compiler first.

g++ –version

Download MinGW Compiler

Install Sublime Text Editor

Sublime text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. It is
ideal for competitive programming. It even has tons of plugins which help
to make things easier for us. Download and install Sublime Text 3 from here

Create a build system for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Create a new build system for Sublime Text for setting up C++ compilation.
Go to Tools > Build System > New Build System. Paste the following code
in the file and save it. Check my Github Repo and Follow the steps:

Setup window layout

Create three new files, code.cpp, input.txt, and output.txt. Select View >
Layout > Columns : 3. This will create three columns in the workspace.
Move the three files into the three columns.Select View > Groups > Max
Columns : 2.

Add Fast Olympic Coding Tool In your Sublime Text

Sublime After fast Olympic tool

Fast Olympic Coding tools are help you in so many different ways. You can parse test cases from Platforms like Codeforces, Codechef, and many more…

Below are the links to download necessary tools to setup fast olympic code in your Local Machine.

Fast Olymic Coding Repo Link: FastOlympicCoding

Fast Olympic Coding Hook:

Watch the following Youtube Videos for referral:

Sublime setup from coding block:

Sublime setup from Luv:

fast Olympic setup from Club of Programmers, IIT BHU Varanasi:

And remember one thing …

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